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ARACEAE Terms of Use

Please read the following Terms in order to use the ARACEAE content
Correctly and within Respectful Integrity. If One should overstep these
Terms, Garden of Araina BV is allowed to take legal actions.

Honorable Agreements

Within joining the ARACEAE Yahrin Mystery School, the participant/initiate agrees to honor the following terms.

These terms are put in place to assure the safety and respect of the participant, the sacredness of the Yahrin Lineage as well as the honoring of any third party that could become involved. 

Please read the following terms and know that by signing up to this website, You have agreed to all terms as given below. If any of these terms would become violated by You, Garden of Araina BV has the right to take legal actions.


All content on this website - including images, texts, audio and video - is copyrighted by AhnėYah Yahrin, Garden of Araina BV.


None of this content may be used for commercial purposes.

None of this content may be shared with anyone who is not a member of ARACEAE.

None of this content may be reproduced for professional or recreational use, unless otherwise discussed with AhnėYah Yahrin and therein given a written consent signed by both parties.

None of the Garden of Araina products and art pieces may be reproduced, imitated or copied at any time during or after participation in ARACEAE, unless otherwise discussed with AhnėYah Yahrin and therein given a written consent signed by both parties. All products offered at Garden of Araina are patented and copyrighted by AhnėYah Yahrin and Garden of Araina BV.

This copyright agreement is a lifetime commitment - and therefor stays active even when One is no longer actively participating within ARACEAE.

If One were to violate this term, Garden of Araina BV will take legal action and ask for a fine - starting at 14.400 euro (equal to one Participation Tuition Fee) - and potentially higher; depending on the nature of the violation.

Respect & Honor

ARACEAE is a space of Honor and Respect. AhnėYah Yahrin holds space 24/7 to keep the vortex as clear and pure as possible, as to offer the most efficient and effective initiations and DNA upgrade.

If a participant/initiate would - at any given moment - express extreme disrespect or dishonor to the ARACEAE Yahrin Mystery School vortex, AhnėYah Yahrin or any of the other participants/initiates/initiators, One will instantly loose all access to the online ARACEAE vortex and all ARACEAE content and organisations.

Depending on the nature of the disrespectful behavior, AhnėYah Yahrin will book in a personal call with You first, to try and resolve the matter. However, when the behavior is extreme in nature, She has the right to block Your access instantly.

In case of being blocked due to disrespectful or dishonorable behavior, there will be NO refund of any kind.

Disrespectful behavior includes for example: hate speech, racism, violence, narcissistic behavior, sharing of the Mystery Teachings or any of the ARACEAE content with third parties and violating copyright, offering any form of GKCA professionally without successful participation in the examinations and certification given by AhnėYah Yahrin, etc.

Responsibility & Accountability

Upon joining ARACEAE, You are aware and willing to take responsibility in Your personal process during participation and carry yourself maturely throughout the healing process and any DNA activation that will take place. You will honor the agreed upon given time and space to connect with Your Initiator as to ask for deeper guidance, and not overstep any personal boundaries (f.e. text or call excessively to Your Initiators private number/email/... or of any of the other participants). You are aware that You are given all the time and space during the personal and group sessions, and take responsibility to use these sessions accordingly.


Within certain emergency situations You are allowed to email or text AhnėYah Yahrin directly, and she will respond as soon as possible. You can book extra sessions if necessary.

AhnėYah Yahrin nor Garden of Araina BV claim to be able to resolve all Your issues - on any level - within one participation (one circle movement). You are aware that Life is a process, and certain issues may take longer to come to resolution - depending on the nature of the issue. You are aware that this is a Mystery School; therefore the outcome may not be what You expect or want - yet what Your True Self desires and needs the most.


Upon joining a Circle Movement You are aware that the depth of Your intention and the responsibility taken within listening to the guidance and taking inspired action therein, is directly related to the beneficial potential of the outcome. 


Upon going ARACEAE Your are capable of taking accountability in Your actions and inactions, and stay in respect to Yourself and all others involved to the best of Your abilities. You are aware that the structure/program offered within ARACEAE is constructed within the best way possible for Your benefit, and that if You would not follow this structure, the potential can arise that the process will not work. Upon joining ARACEAE You agree to commit to the (adjustable) program to the best of Your abilities as to assure Your most beneficial outcome.

Graduation & Evolution

Upon joining an ARACEAE Circle Movement, You are aware that in order to evolve to a next Cycle, You have to succeed in the  graduation examination of that particular Cycle. You are aware that participating in one Circle Movement does not guarantee graduation of that Cycle. Depending on One's personal process, responsibility and devotion, One may need to repeat the Cycle in order to be able to graduate and move on to the next Cycle, if so desired.

Upon joining ARACEAE, You are aware that in order to repeat Cycle One - whether this is to be able to graduate, or simply to maintain a devoted practice for Your daily life - You have to pay an extra tuition fee of 1.440 euro to join the Space of Grace and receive access to the Cycle One content OR You can opt to rejoin a Circle Movement with AhnėYah Yahrin at a 33% discount of the full tuition fee. (9999 euro instead of 14.400 euro).

If One needs to repeat Cycle Two or Three in order to graduate and become a Certified Genetic Key Code Alchemist, the options therein will be personally discussed at that time - according to the level needed for each individual participant. It may be that some need to repeat the entire course, it may be that one needs to repeat only one particular aspect of the course - or anything in between. This therefore will come at different price points.


Joining the ARACEAE Retreat at the end of each Circle Movement is open to all who have participated during that particular Circle Movement - whether within a Circle with AhnėYah Yahrin, or within Space of Grace. You are aware that the ARACEAE retreat comes at an extra price point, which may vary each time depending on the location and length of the retreat.

IN ANY CASE - One should be aware that the ARACEAE programs and initiations are built in such a manner that if and when One is 100% devoted to the trajectory of the particular Cycle, there is a 95% chance of being graduated.

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